I received my BS in Psychology from Carnegie Mellon University and my Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Minnesota. During graduate school I completed RAND Corporation's Graduate Student Summer Associate Program. Following a position as a project director at the University of Houston, I completed an postdoctoral fellowship in the Clinical and Research Institute on Addictions (CRIA) at the University at Buffalo (UB), SUNY. That position was funded by an Institutional (T32) Ruth L. Kirschtein National Research Service Award training grant in alcohol etiology and treatment from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), National Institutes of Health.
Currently, I am a Research Assistant Professor at UB and Director of the Close Relationships, Addiction, Stress, and Health (CRASH) Laboratory. I am funded by a K01 Mentored Research Scientist Career Development Award from NIAAA (K01 AA027547). My grant is housed within the Department of Psychiatry in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and CRIA. I also hold appointments in the Department of Psychology and Department of Community Health and Health Behavior.
Currently, I am a Research Assistant Professor at UB and Director of the Close Relationships, Addiction, Stress, and Health (CRASH) Laboratory. I am funded by a K01 Mentored Research Scientist Career Development Award from NIAAA (K01 AA027547). My grant is housed within the Department of Psychiatry in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and CRIA. I also hold appointments in the Department of Psychology and Department of Community Health and Health Behavior.
Fillo, J., Leonard, K. E., & Donnelly, K. T. (in press). Investigating relations between traumatic brain injury and relationship functioning in OIF/OEF veterans. Journal of Military and Government Counseling.
Kulak, J. A., Homish, D. L., Hoopsick R. A., Fillo, J., Bartone, P. T., & Homish, G. G. (in press). Hardiness protects against alcohol problems in male, but not female, US Army Reserve/National Guard soldiers. Psychological Services.
PMCID: PMC6914216
Fillo, J., Kamper-DeMarco, K. E., Brown, W. C., Stasiewicz, P. R., Bradizza, C. M. (2019). Emotion regulation difficulties and social control correlates of smoking among pregnant women trying to quit. Addictive Behaviors, 89, 104-112. PMCID: PMC6363103 | PDF.
Rodriguez, L. M., Fillo, J., Hadden, B. W., Øverup, C. S., Baker, Z. G., & DiBello, A. M. (2019). Do you see what I see? Actor and partner attachment shape biased perceptions of partners. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45(4), 587-602. PMCID: PMC6902118 | PDF
Kulak, J. A., Fillo, J., Homish, D. L., Kahn, L., & Homish, G. G. (2019). Substance use and mental health among military spouses and partners. Military Behavioral Health, 7(3), 257-267. PMID: 31844559 | PDF
Burns, R. J., Fillo, J., Deschênes, S. S., & Schmitz, N. (2019). Dyadic associations between physical activity and body mass index in couples in which one partner has diabetes: Results from the Lifelines cohort study. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Online First, 1-7. PMCID: PMC6868306 | PDF
Vest, B. M., Homish, D. L., Fillo, J., & Homish, G. G. (2018). Military status and alcohol problems: Former soldiers may be at greater risk? Addictive Behaviors, 84, 139-143. PMCID: PMC5975126 | PDF
Fillo, J., Heavey, S. C., Homish, D. L., & Homish, G. G. (2018). Deployment-related military sexual trauma predicts alcohol problems among male reserve and National Guard soldiers. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 42, 111-119. PMCID: PMC5750106 | PDF
- Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research: Article of public interest
- Research Society on Alcoholism: Newswise press release
Fillo, J., Holliday, S. B., DeSantis, A., Germain, A., Buysse, D. J., Matthews, K. A., & Troxel, W. M. (2017). Observed relationship behaviors and sleep in military veterans and their partners. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51, 879-889. PMCID: PMC5680152 | PDF
Fillo, J., Rodriguez, L. M., Anthenien, A. M., Neighbors, C., & Lee, C. M. (2017). The angel and the devil on your shoulder: Friends mitigate and exacerbate 21st birthday alcohol-related consequences. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 31, 786-796. PMCID: PMC5690858 | PDF
Hoopsick, R. A., Fillo, J., Vest, B. M., Homish, D. L., & Homish, G. G. (2017). Substance use and dependence among current reserve and former military members: Cross-sectional findings from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2010-2014. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 36, 243-251. PMCID: PMC6206502 | PDF
Fillo, J., Staplefoote, B. L., Martinez, A., Sontag-Padilla, L., Shadel, W. G., Martino, S. C., Setodji, C., Meeker, D., & Scharf, D. (2016). Simplified novel application (SNApp) framework: A guide to developing and implementing second-generation mobile applications for behavioral health research. Translational Behavioral Medicine. PMCID: PMC5110486 | PDF
Howland, M., Farrell, A. K., Simpson, J. A., Rothman, A. J., Burns, R., Fillo, J., & Wlaschin, J. (2016). Relational effects on physical activity: A dyadic approach to the theory of planned behavior. Health Psychology, 35(7), 733-741. PMID: 26914648 | PDF
Fillo, J., Alfano, C. A., Paulus, D. J., Smits, J. A. J., Davis, M. L., Rosenfield, D., Marcus, B. H., Church, T. S., Powers, M. B., Otto, M. W., Baird, S. O., & Zvolensky, M. J. (2016). Emotion dysregulation explains relations between sleep disturbance and smoking quit-related cognition and behavior. Addictive Behaviors, 57, 6-12. PMCID: PMC4775359 | PDF
Overall, N. C., Fletcher, G. J. O., Simpson, J. A., & Fillo, J. (2015). Attachment insecurity, biased perceptions of partners’ negative emotions, and hostile relationship behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108(5), 730-749. PMID:
25915136 | PDF
- Science of Relationships: Much ado about nothing: The result of biases about partners' negative emotions
Fillo, J., Simpson, J. A., Rholes, W. S., & Kohn, J. L. (2015). Dads doing diapers: Individual and relational outcomes associated with the division of childcare across the transition to parenthood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108(2), 298-316. PMCID: PMC4302344 | PDF
- Psychology Today: Becoming a new parent: How can new parents learn to handle the pressures that come with infant care?
- Pacific Standard: How do we respond to parenthood?: New research shows that men and women react differently once the stork comes calling
- Calgary Herald: Postpartum depression can affect fathers as well
Simpson, J. A., Fillo, J., & Myers, J. (2012). Partner knowledge and relationship outcomes. In S. Vazire & T. D. Wilson (Eds.) Handbook of Self-Knowledge. New York: Guilford Press.
Simpson, J. A., Kim, J., Fillo, J., Ickes, W., Rholes, W. S., Orina, M., & Winterheld, H. (2011). Attachment and the management of empathic accuracy in relationship-threatening situations. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37(2), 242-254. PMCID: PMC6022365 | PDF
Kulak, J. A., Homish, D. L., Hoopsick R. A., Fillo, J., Bartone, P. T., & Homish, G. G. (in press). Hardiness protects against alcohol problems in male, but not female, US Army Reserve/National Guard soldiers. Psychological Services.
PMCID: PMC6914216
Fillo, J., Kamper-DeMarco, K. E., Brown, W. C., Stasiewicz, P. R., Bradizza, C. M. (2019). Emotion regulation difficulties and social control correlates of smoking among pregnant women trying to quit. Addictive Behaviors, 89, 104-112. PMCID: PMC6363103 | PDF.
Rodriguez, L. M., Fillo, J., Hadden, B. W., Øverup, C. S., Baker, Z. G., & DiBello, A. M. (2019). Do you see what I see? Actor and partner attachment shape biased perceptions of partners. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45(4), 587-602. PMCID: PMC6902118 | PDF
Kulak, J. A., Fillo, J., Homish, D. L., Kahn, L., & Homish, G. G. (2019). Substance use and mental health among military spouses and partners. Military Behavioral Health, 7(3), 257-267. PMID: 31844559 | PDF
Burns, R. J., Fillo, J., Deschênes, S. S., & Schmitz, N. (2019). Dyadic associations between physical activity and body mass index in couples in which one partner has diabetes: Results from the Lifelines cohort study. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Online First, 1-7. PMCID: PMC6868306 | PDF
Vest, B. M., Homish, D. L., Fillo, J., & Homish, G. G. (2018). Military status and alcohol problems: Former soldiers may be at greater risk? Addictive Behaviors, 84, 139-143. PMCID: PMC5975126 | PDF
Fillo, J., Heavey, S. C., Homish, D. L., & Homish, G. G. (2018). Deployment-related military sexual trauma predicts alcohol problems among male reserve and National Guard soldiers. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 42, 111-119. PMCID: PMC5750106 | PDF
- Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research: Article of public interest
- Research Society on Alcoholism: Newswise press release
Fillo, J., Holliday, S. B., DeSantis, A., Germain, A., Buysse, D. J., Matthews, K. A., & Troxel, W. M. (2017). Observed relationship behaviors and sleep in military veterans and their partners. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51, 879-889. PMCID: PMC5680152 | PDF
Fillo, J., Rodriguez, L. M., Anthenien, A. M., Neighbors, C., & Lee, C. M. (2017). The angel and the devil on your shoulder: Friends mitigate and exacerbate 21st birthday alcohol-related consequences. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 31, 786-796. PMCID: PMC5690858 | PDF
Hoopsick, R. A., Fillo, J., Vest, B. M., Homish, D. L., & Homish, G. G. (2017). Substance use and dependence among current reserve and former military members: Cross-sectional findings from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2010-2014. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 36, 243-251. PMCID: PMC6206502 | PDF
Fillo, J., Staplefoote, B. L., Martinez, A., Sontag-Padilla, L., Shadel, W. G., Martino, S. C., Setodji, C., Meeker, D., & Scharf, D. (2016). Simplified novel application (SNApp) framework: A guide to developing and implementing second-generation mobile applications for behavioral health research. Translational Behavioral Medicine. PMCID: PMC5110486 | PDF
Howland, M., Farrell, A. K., Simpson, J. A., Rothman, A. J., Burns, R., Fillo, J., & Wlaschin, J. (2016). Relational effects on physical activity: A dyadic approach to the theory of planned behavior. Health Psychology, 35(7), 733-741. PMID: 26914648 | PDF
Fillo, J., Alfano, C. A., Paulus, D. J., Smits, J. A. J., Davis, M. L., Rosenfield, D., Marcus, B. H., Church, T. S., Powers, M. B., Otto, M. W., Baird, S. O., & Zvolensky, M. J. (2016). Emotion dysregulation explains relations between sleep disturbance and smoking quit-related cognition and behavior. Addictive Behaviors, 57, 6-12. PMCID: PMC4775359 | PDF
Overall, N. C., Fletcher, G. J. O., Simpson, J. A., & Fillo, J. (2015). Attachment insecurity, biased perceptions of partners’ negative emotions, and hostile relationship behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108(5), 730-749. PMID:
25915136 | PDF
- Science of Relationships: Much ado about nothing: The result of biases about partners' negative emotions
Fillo, J., Simpson, J. A., Rholes, W. S., & Kohn, J. L. (2015). Dads doing diapers: Individual and relational outcomes associated with the division of childcare across the transition to parenthood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108(2), 298-316. PMCID: PMC4302344 | PDF
- Psychology Today: Becoming a new parent: How can new parents learn to handle the pressures that come with infant care?
- Pacific Standard: How do we respond to parenthood?: New research shows that men and women react differently once the stork comes calling
- Calgary Herald: Postpartum depression can affect fathers as well
Simpson, J. A., Fillo, J., & Myers, J. (2012). Partner knowledge and relationship outcomes. In S. Vazire & T. D. Wilson (Eds.) Handbook of Self-Knowledge. New York: Guilford Press.
Simpson, J. A., Kim, J., Fillo, J., Ickes, W., Rholes, W. S., Orina, M., & Winterheld, H. (2011). Attachment and the management of empathic accuracy in relationship-threatening situations. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37(2), 242-254. PMCID: PMC6022365 | PDF